Today the motorhome is ordered

Das Wohnmobil ist bestellt Wohnmobil Caravan Salon Düsseldorf Dethleffs Globetrotter XXLA

Today is the day. Today the motorhome is ordered.

Simply overwhelming the Caravan Salon in Düsseldorf. Well over 100 motorhomes are on display. From the mini van to the luxury liner and expedition vehicle, everything is represented. There is something for every requirement and every budget.

Many halls, many exhibitors, many meters to walk. Does not matter ! Today the motorhome is ordered.

The fair is huge

On the first day, I went with my buddy Detlef from Düsseldorf. I wanted to get an overview and talk to different dealers before my dealer flew in from Austria. I had noticed at the first meeting in Austria that my dealer had never sold such a large mobile before and therefore did not really have a clue or could answer all my questions. So I wanted to ask around at the show what the other dealers could tell me about the vehicle I wanted.

I spoke with 3 different dealers and the manufacturer himself, and from each I had learned different details, so I was able to put the pieces of the puzzle together and was well prepared for the meeting with my dealer the following day.

To be honest, I was totally glad that I already knew exactly which motorhome I wanted before visiting the Caravan Salon. Because with this incredible selection and variety of options, I would have been totally overwhelmed.

In my opinion, the caravan salon is ideal for newcomers to get an overview. But if you don't have a rough idea of what the new camper or motorhome should look like and have - well, I wouldn't know what to choose after visiting the show either.

So it was easy for me and I could concentrate exactly on what I wanted to have or possibly in addition later to acquire.

The agony of choice

And yet I was totally flat and exhausted after the first day at the caravan salon. No idea how many steps or kilometers I have made between the individual exhibitors. How many exhibitors of accessories - there you can spend again really money - I have visited.

I was simply overwhelmed.

In addition to the campers, motorhomes and interesting accessories, I have visited lectures on organized motorhome trips. Was very interesting, but since I rather be too much an individualist than I want to travel in convoy with others.

Summary of day 1 at the caravan salon: far too much to see. Simply great, but can also overwhelm you.

Today the motorhome is ordered

The big day arrived and I met my Austrian dealer on the second day. Now that I knew exactly what I wanted, the order went very smoothly. A few percent discount was still there and finalyI am the proud owner of a brand new motorhome.

More precisely, a Dethleffs Globetrotter XXLA. Planned delivery in April of next year.

In the evening, I went to celebrate with the dealer, the nephew of a longtime friend and the same. At the best steakhouse in town, we had an excellent dinner and toasted the signing of the contract with a top Spanish wine.

Wow, a dream came true for me. I had already flirted with buying a van when I was a student. But then I let it go.

And on Bali I had made the decision that it is time to fulfill my dream.

I must say that I have always traveled a lot, both professionally and privately. Was on all continents - except Australia. Even living on Mallorca, I was on the road almost every winter.

Why a motorhome ?

So what was the deciding factor for me that it is now time for my own motorhome?

First, I've always wanted a motorhome to go from place to place, country to country, beach to beach, lake to lake, and not have to rely on hotels. It's a breath of freedom. Secondly, I have traveled a lot worldwide and also worked on many beautiful places worldwide, but Europe still had many white spots on the map that were ideal to be explored with a motorhome. And thirdly, I always missed my dog, who I had to leave behind with acquaintances when I flew worldwide. And with the motorhome my dog could finally travel with me.

Those are my 3 main reasons for having a motorhome besides the freedom and being close to nature.

If you too want to be absolutely mobile and minimalism is yours, then a RV is a great alternative to work and live mobile.

Off to the Caravan Salon in Düsseldorf

Auf dem Caravan Salon Düsseldorf Wohnmobil Dethleffs Globetrotter

Heute mache ich mich auf zum Caravan Salon in Düsseldorf. Ich bin schon sehr gespannt, was mich dort alles erwartet. Und ich freue mich auf all die Informationen, die ich über mein Traummobil sammeln werde. Mit einer Stunde Verspätung geht es abends von Palma nach Düsseldorf auf meinen ersten Caravan Salon. Ich wollte schon immer … Read more

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